Monday, April 27, 2015

"Abigails Day With Us......"

Our granddaughter, Abigail, spent last Friday with us. Let me preface this whole post to say we ALL slept well Friday night.  ;)

Abigail and Grandpa Don took a hike in our woods after she and I got back from picking her up from her house. "Hike" might not be the correct word for her outing in the woods since she moves much faster than Don. She does occasionally stop and explore whatever takes her interest. Thankfully, she is not squeamish when it comes to bugs, etc.

When they came back to the house, we got in the, excuse me, Abigail corrects me each time I say that.......we got into the "Jeep" and drove over to the playground in Grawn, the little village next to Interlochen. They have a wonderful playground, which includes a "splash pad", too, for the warmer days. I "assume" that opens up after Memorial Day, but do not know for sure, although we WILL be going back there.  :)

This may explain why Abigail slept so well Friday night.  :) The girl runs and runs!

Grandpa Don joined her in moving some sand......

No fear of heights either......

Moving some sand by hand, too.  That is the splash pad in the background.

One piece of the varied playground equipment is a HUGE Goldfish, featuring its spine as a climbing ladder.

After a lunch stop (and ice cream), we came home and once again the paths in the woods called. I tagged along for some of the hike but Grandpa Don and Abigail soon wore me out. They came back a bit later carrying this organic sculpture, which now resides on our front porch. Abigail had seen my bundle of dried Dill hanging in the garage and asked for a few stalks to add to her piece. It is quite attractive in my opinion. Perhaps she will work in or own a nursery/florist shop, eh?  :)

1 comment:

Barb said...

What a lovely playground! I am struck by the difference in outerwear between Abigail and Don. Were they in different dimensions where it was still winter in Don's? ;-)