The local members of the guild were hosting members from other parts of Wisconsin (some members live in Illinois, too!) for the groups annual picnic/gathering. They had quite a large turn out. Barbara, one of my mentors from the CSM group, asked if I'd like to come and bring my CSM machine for some of the interested flat bed knitters to see and possibly crank, so I spent last Saturday morning at the Verona Library with them. In this photo are Pat, sitting at her CSM, with Barbara next to her and chatting with Renice, who is smiling towards the camera. :)

Susan Forbes ( demonstrated her technique of dyeing socks blanks that she knits on a flat bed knitting machine.
A closer view of some of the "show and tell" items (dyed blanks, knitted socks/mittens) that she brought along.
Natalie brought her flat bed knitting machine so that she could demonstrate knitting "toe up" socks.
Another view of the machine...........
It was an enjoyable and interesting time. And in case you are wondering, no, there is not a flat bed knitting machine in my future. Where would I put it?! ;)
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