Megan and Sara are new neighbors. They've moved into the house that Erin and Seth moved from a number of weeks ago. They were told about happy hour by Erin and Seth, and were encouraged to stop by. We're glad they listened. ;)

A blast from the past, too! Here is Michael (right) talking with Rob. As Don and I were having coffee, I saw Anna and Henry walking down the street from Glenwood's Children's Park. Not long afterwards, Michael drove up to join us. They moved out to the country this past Summer and we'd not seen them for awhile. It was very nice to catch up......and HOW HENRY HAS GROWN! Unfortunately, no photos got taken with him in it.
A larger group shot. Starting with me on the left and going counter clockwise are: Daria, holding Tala, with Dad Ben in the lower right, Krista holding Kia, Dan, Jamie and Zack, our new neighbors from across the street, Michael behind the patio heater pole, Jacob holding daughter Zoe, Rick, and Rob in the far background.
Also counter clockwise starting on the lower left is: Megan, Sara, Brian, Erica, Krista holding Kia, and Dan shielding Ben from the photo.
Rob's window well is a great hit among the younger set, which, of course, draws their parents, too. Here are Ruby (in green) Zoe, Jacob, and Kim.
Jacob exchanged places with Krista when Kia wanted to join the group in the window well.......
Here I am, holding Becca, chatting with Daria, who is holding 3 week old Tala. This was their first time at happy hour, too. They live across the street from Jacob and Krista and have known about happy hour for quite awhile, but as you can see, they've had some important things happening in their lives and happy hour just wasn't to be a part of it until life calmed down. We're glad they were able to come and visit.
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