Yes, Don and I attended a baby shower. This is one for the records. ;)
Friends of Lonny and Charlie gave them a couples baby shower last Sunday. It was a very nice time and a great group of people......that makes perfect sense, since everyone there were friends of Lonny and Charlie, right? :)
Here they are opening one of their gifts.

Karen, with daughter Sabine, posing with Charlie. Husband/father Phil is back in the "far" distance.
Made' holding Becca............
FINALLY.......I got to hold Becca. ;)
Mary holding Becca........
And yes, we did allow Angela to hold her daughter, too........when Becca got hungry, of course. :)
I got to hold Sabine though, too. Karen looks on to make sure I'm "doing it right".
Hostess Emily holding daughter Addie, who is very close to Benjamin's age.
More of the baby shower in my next post.......
You're lucky to have so many cute babies in your life! I stopped into the Library about 1PM today but you all were in a lecture so I closed the door again really quickly! Had friends Rob and Joey with me. They were disappointed to not get to see your sock machine!
It was such an awesome baby shower. We feel incredibly lucky to have such awesome friends and neighbors! Love you guys!
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