Heather told us that the man who lives here does this extravagant decorating and planting each year.....BUT.....with a different theme each year, too. Fascinating to look at, definitely with wonder, too, seeing all of the different aspects he has incorporated into his yard, but not in my opinion what I would call attractive. Certainly "whimsical" though........

Doing different themes each year must be something he looks forward to as well. He must have next years planned already so when he scours yard and garage sales, he can pick up dolls, stuffed animals, etc. when he sees them.
The space and organization involved for getting things ready for next season must be a HUGE job!
All of his plantings were very healthy and beautiful, too.
As you may have noticed from the photos, he doesn't just decorate in front of his house. He lives on a corner and the decorating goes completely along one side as well. Not only that, but the back of a business building is on the opposite side of that, so he has decorated the area across from his side yard, too! This is no small feat.
Tomorrow.........arriving in Laconia, New Hampshire.
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