We took the Cross Sound Car Ferry from Orient Point, Long Island, New York, to New London, Connecticut early the next morning. We had a fair drive ahead of us to Laconia, New Hampshire, where I would attend my first circular sock machine national convention. More on that in a later post. ;)
Our drive that day began quite early and we were on the road to Orient Point before 7 AM, arriving there much earlier than expected and were able to exchange our 9 AM reservation to 8 AM. The day was warm and humid, but was cooler here due to a nice breeze off the waters of Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound.

For me, a nameless lighthouse.........**I heard a few hours later from Don's cousin Carol, that this lighthouse is the Orient Point (Coffee Pot) Lighthouse. Thank you Cousin Carol!**
Another nameless lighthouse............but possibly on Plum Island. ** Also from Carol....and yes, I was correct, it is the Plum Island (Plum Gut) Lighthouse.**
While I sat in the breakfast area and listened to my audio book, Don did his usual on deck exploring and took photos. The main deck.......
The lower car deck............
Top deck. As you can see, not too many people braved the top deck as it became quite cool after we hit open water. Don, smart man that he is, brought his fleece jacket, while I did not and wore only a tee shirt. I'd say he remembers quite well his growing up on the water, wouldn't you? ;)
Another lighthouse in the distance..........possibly (according to what I can see from the link Carol sent me, this may be the Little Gull island Lighthouse.
Tomorrows post.......our drive to New Hampshire with a stop in Hull, Massachusetts to visit Don's sister, Heather.
1 comment:
I would like to exchange links with your site madcitymike.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
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