My daughter-in-law, Julie, is great about sending us photos of Abigail, our granddaughter. We saw her in April, but as little ones tend to do, she is growing and changing daily! Bear with a proud Grandpa, OK? This post is all about her. ;)
This was taken by my son, Patrick, after they'd gone grocery shopping earlier this Summer. It was our first time seeing her as a "big girl", sitting up and holding herself upright on her own. Notice the bib she is wearing....yep, one I knitted for her. :)

Getting ready to exercise her parents upper body muscles and lunging skills.........
A day on an inland lake. Julie says she LOVES the water! I'd say that is an excellent thing for a little girl growing up near Lake Michigan to have, don't you?
Julie, Patrick, and Abigail...........
Can't you just hear her mind working.......saying to herself, "I know this thing is supposed to move....why isn't it?"
Hmmmmmmm.......the caption for this one? Don suggested...."I like this hat better than the one with feathers!" It worked for me. ;)
She is working on her table manners, but sometimes the food needs to be "experienced" as something tactile, too.
Yes, she is becoming more and more mobile, too. For those of you who are concerned about fashion, notice how well the bib coordinates with her ensemble. Yeah.....another of Grandpa's. ;)
The room on the other side of the barrier is always intriguing. And yet another of Grandpa's bibs!
Mom Julie and Abigail...........
Abigail's first barbecue..........Hmmmmmm........Patrick told me she was a very good girl during their time I understand why. ;)
On a Friday that Julie had to work (Patrick has Friday's off), Patrick and Abigail drove down to Pentwater, MI, to visit with old friends from South Bend, IN, who have a vacation home there. The following photos are from their visit. (yes, another of Grandpa's bibs)
You must wear a sun while boating.............
Of course, you need to have the sunscreen in hand, too!
A favorite of mine........
We'll see Abigail in October for her 1st birthday. Hopefully, she will not be in a shy stage. Julie's parents will be there, as well, so I will have to practice my sharing skills, too. ;)
1 comment:
OMGosh! Adorable photos! I LOVE the red hat one. I can totally see her grandpa in her eyes!
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