We had dry and "crisp" weather for our first happy hour in November. As you know, we have happy hour "weather permitting", which means as long as it isn't raining/snowing/sleeting or any other "mix" of precipitation. In reality though, our days of happy hours are numbered. Once there is snow cover, we rarely sit out on the deck. I say rarely, because we have been known to have gatherings (it all began here-http://madcitymike.blogspot.com/2009/12/snow-day.html) when the snow has been quite deep, but those are few and far between.
Tala and Griffin take advantage of a warmer, cushier seat on the deck. We'd brought out Coppers bed so that she could lie on something other than the cold deck, but she chose not to use it, giving it over to the youngest of the happy hour attendees instead.

Tala's Mom and Dad, Daria and Ben, came prepared wearing warm hats and coats, too.
Mom Charlie with son, Griffin, and Mom Daria with daughter, Tala.....
Rob and Jyothi also stopped by to chat.......
I stole this photo from Facebook that Jyothi had posted of Rob and me. "Great minds think alike" when it comes to wearing plaid. ;)
and I will long remember the "twinkle twinkle little star" interlude. How special!
Heh heh--- you guys look like you should both be on the Red Green Show!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
Wish we were there!
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