Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Those Little Tomato Eaters......

We have 6 tomato plants and have lost as many green tomatoes in the past week.  Next door neighbor Rob, helped me attach netting around all of the 6 plants/cages, but the next morning I walked out to find a chipmunk inside with the plants!  War had been declared!  Don set the live trap with peanut butter, which they do love, and I have given 4 chipmunks (in 2 days!) a one way ride out of town.

A photo of this cute little guy before his trip.....doesn't he look excited to be moving to a new home?

This morning, Don came in to let me know the peanut butter was eaten from the trap, but unfortunately, the culprit was able to get in and out without tripping the trap!  The war continues......


Bobbin Doctor said...

We are at war with rabbits.
A few winters ago when the snow was deep and food was scarce, they ate the branches off our arborvitae hedge between 2 and three feet off the ground. Our hedge now has a "window" in it along it's entire length! AAARRGGHHHHH!

Molly Bee said...

Bring them to my house! I love them and don't have any plants! I actually put peanuts out to lure them to the patio for Ben to watch! :-)

dc said...

I have caught all of my chipmonks, well except for the one that seems to be living in the woods and comes out to get a little bird seed, I can live with that. Still keep setting the little trap and SOMETHING larger keeps tripping and turning it upside down every night! We do have armodillos in our yard at night, but didn't think they would mess with this little trap with bird seed in it. Maybe hubby can set the BIG humane trap out and we will see what we got.

Barb said...
