Tubular Spectrum Color Gamp Kits
Have you ever wondered how two colors that look wonderful on the cones when they are sitting on your shelf can turn into such ugly cloth when they are woven together? A solution to this problem is to use a Color Gamp as your reference tool when planning projects. Color Gamps are a woven sampler with the colors arranged in the same manner in the warp as in the weft. The resulting fabric has blocks of colors as the warp and weft yarns interlace. Thus, as you plan projects, you can look at the gamp and find your warp yarns and weft yarns and examine the interaction of the two before you put them on the loom. It reduces the number of surprises at the end of your weaving project! Plus, they are beautiful too!
The above is the catalog/online description of the Lunatic Fringe Yarn Color Gamp Kit that Don gave me for Christmas (http://www.lunaticfringeyarns.com/GampKits.php). As you can see from the included photo, the colors are strikingly rich and vibrant. Catalog photos can sometimes be misleading, but as you will see in the next photo, which I took, they were spot on with the colors.....
I have been putting off warping my floor loom with the color gamp until I had received my warping trapeze that I ordered from Bruce, at Purrington Looms. It arrived shortly before we left for our Traverse City, MI vacation, so I delayed setting up the floor loom until last week. (http://www.purringtonlooms.com/index.html) Looks a bit crowded in my fiber room, doesn't it? ;) It's only attached temporarily and will be stored in the basement when I am finished winding the warp onto the loom.
My first job was to measure out the warp using my warping board. I measured the warp from 5 spools before putting each chain onto the loom. I was impressed even more as I saw the subtlety of the color change when the warp threads were close together. As you can see, I am able to clamp my warping board onto my Ashford table loom stand, making it a very comfortable height from which to work.
A close up of the 5 colors after measuring......
Next step was to spread the warp out onto the floor looms warp rod in 1" increments. The epi (ends per inch) for my 1st color study, which will be woven in plain weave, is 24 epi.
Onto the next 5 colors........
And then those were spread out on the warp rod, giving me 1/2 of the color gamp's warp on the loom.
Time to clean up and re-arrange the room to have more space to move through it. Tomorrow I would pull things back out and measure the other 10 colors of warp.
Are you a lefty? I see your cross over on the warping board on the right. I do mine on the left as I am right handed. Huh??
How many total ends will you have and how many thru each reed?
One of our study groups at the Weaver's Guild of Minnesota uses a trapeze to put 30+ yard warps for group projects. It's proven to be the most efficient method for managing the long chains of warp and has produced the best tensioned warps of any process.
One of our members made the trapeze out of 1x4 lumber. Although the trapeze can be used by only one person, our study group has engaged as many as 8 people. It makes for a fun evening for a group - especially as people take turns "spanking" the warp!
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