This small strip of land which separates the Atlantic Ocean and some bay (I can't find the name of it and I am not sure if it part of Shinnecock Bay), is not what I would call "substantial". We drove through many "puddles" of standing water similar to this on what is called Dune Road. We made the "assumption" that it was high tide, too, and combined with what rain they'd had, there just wasn't a lot of elevation above sea level, as you will see in a following photo.

As we got closer to the Quogue Bridge, which we would be crossing over to get back onto the main island, we were able to see just how narrow this strip of land is.
And how close it is to sea level as well........
We also saw several little "huts", hunters blinds (?), that could only be reached by water.
This photo may be the best one that shows the waters height in comparison to the land. My midwestern mind does not understand how this narrow strip of land survives without washing away.
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