Gotta "fluff" those limbs......

Don is the official "light man". He has MUCH more patience than I do when it comes to making sure they go on the tree "just right". Of course, Copper had to get involved when testing the strings of lights, too.

Not that she always looked happy about it, but we all have to do our part, eh? ;)

"Mr. Precision".......

This photo shows how truly tall the tree actually is. Saying it is 9' and putting that into perspective, is another matter all together. Visuals are always nice, eh? :)

The fully decorated tree. It actually didn't get finished until Tuesday. Some of the light strings didn't work, even after replacing fuses and Don spending some time working on them, so new ones had to be purchased. We all are pleased with the results.

Evidently the lights are too bright to be faced when trying to catch some ZZZZZZZ"s. :)

Hard to believe that it is this time of year already! Christmas is exactly 3 weeks away from today! I still have some knitting to finish......guess I'd better get crackin', eh?
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