Saturday, August 15, 2009


Our deck pots are producing some veggies! Below are a few of the Purple Peppers (not Purple People Eaters, for those old enough to know of what I refer to....). I have 4 pepper plants in 1 deck railing pot. I did have 2 Ground Cherries in the same pot, but pulled them out as I was not happy with them (they grew nicely, but were messy for what they produced), so now the pepper plants have more growing space.

The Cherry Tomato plants are rather spindly, but are setting fruit, too. Here is the largest picking yet. I have picked 1 or 2 prior to this group, but never more than that.

The regular tomatoes are also beginning to turn orange. Only a few at this writing, but I am hopeful of a "ripening rush (flush?)".

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