Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"My Patient Model....."

Poor Copper.......she gets pulled into modeling situations that if she had any premonition I was going to have a "AH HA" moment.....she'd make herself quickly scarce. ;)

I have been knitting some items to be felted, which means the pieces are HUGE when finished knitting. The idea of felting is that the yarn is knitted using a larger needle/stitch and then when washed/agitated with hot water, the item shrinks making the yarn felt into a more solid fabric.

This item wasn't completely finished, but enough so that I thought it looked like a "babushka", or for those of you not familiar with that term, a head scarf.

My poor little girl looks to be suffering, doesn't she? Sigh......the things she tolerates living with Don and me.

She seemed to much happier when it slipped down into a "Wonder Dog" cape. ;)

1 comment:

Molly Bee said...

Poor Baby!!! Mr. Ben understands and sends his condolences!